It happened again!
One of the most remarkable aspects of the cigar forums I've joined is the incredible generosity of the members. It seems like these guys are just looking for new ways to give out cigars and expertise to the newer members. Every day there are giveaways (called cigar "bombs"), trades between members, Pay-It-Forward and Make-A-Wish programs, all sorts of activities to help members try out different cigars and to help make new members feel welcome. Random acts of cigar kindness are badges of honor at both sites.
A few days ago I posted about just such a random act from Termite, a member at Two days later, on Sunday, I returned home from visiting my son Kieran at Liberty University to find my mailbox "blowed up" (thanks, Emmitt) once again. This time courtesy of Shuckins (aka Ron) at Brothers of the Leaf. Check out these fantastic sticks!
- Romeo y Julieta (Short Churchill: 4.8" x 50)
- Gran Habano Corojo Vintage 2002 (Churchill: 7" x 50)
- 5 Vegas Miami (Toro: 6" x 48)
- 5 Vegas Relic (Perfecto: 5.7" x 54)
- Pinar del Rio Clasico (Torpedo: 6.5 x 52)
- San Cristobal (Clasico: 5" x 50)
- Tatuaje Cabaiguan (Guapos 46: 5.6" x 46)
- Perdomo Habano Corojo (Robusto: 5" x 52)
Notice the personalized herf tube in the picture? That just goes to show you how often Ron does this. Amazing. I am once again blown away by the unprovoked generosity of a fellow BotL.
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